Monday, January 01, 2024

2023 Bird Feeder Birds Summary

Frequency Trends Over the Past 11 Years of Records

·        The biggest drop off is for American Tree Sparrows.  Probably the lack of cold, snowy winters.

·        Mourning Dove is the second biggest drop off.  Maybe my place is too busy or dangerous for modo’s.

·        Common Grackle is another mystery.  They are the third biggest drop off.  I see them around the neighborhood, but they hardly ever come here.

·        Carolina Wren has the biggest increase in frequency.  I think they are very happy with the brush pile and the thicket under the spruce tree.

·        White-breasted Nuthatch is the second biggest increase in frequency.  Maybe as trees are maturing, they are liking things better?

·        Song Sparrow is the third biggest increase in frequency.  They love the prairie plantings, and often prefer the prairie seeds over the bird feeder. 

·        The top five in frequency, with all of these species showing up over 90% of the months, are no big surprises.  In descending order, House Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Carolina Chickadee, House Finch, and Downy Woodpecker. 

·        The order of the second five species, with all of these species showing up over 70% of the months, is somewhat surprising.  In descending order, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, American Robin, and European Starling.  I think of American Goldfinch is fairly seasonal at my feeder. 

2023 Summary

·        45 bird species were observed at the feeder this year, marking a new high.  Last year the number was 43.

·        An average of 18.42 bird species were observed each month.  This is the second highest number, with last year setting the record at 19.00 average bird species per month.

New species observed at my feeder or in the feeder crab apple tree were, Blackburnian Warbler, Hermit Thrush, Indigo Bunting, Northern Parula, and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. 

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