Sunday, September 30, 2012

Laney's Preoccupation

The primary target of Laney's preoccupation, the piney, also known as a red squirrel. Laney didn't happen to see this one, as he sat on a branch right over the trail in Algonquin, watching us intently.

Laney peering off into the brush on a hike. It would be fun to know what her senses are experiencing, but I think most of the time she had squirrels on the brain.

Laney pointing towards a piney.

Laney and I were hiking at Killbear, when we saw something dart off into the woods. We gave reckless chase, and ended up at this tree.

It's hard to tell whether this raccoon is bored or disgusted.

Laney was quite proud of her accomplishment.

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