Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hayden Valley

Monday morning we headed south from the canyon towards Yellowstone Lake, crossing the Hayden valley. Seeing a mass of humanity parked at an overlook, we stopped to see what was their focus.
A gallery of spotting scopes and high-powered cameras were all pointing off into the distance. In the top picture, between the Yellowstone River and the dark green of the woods is a bison carcass. Joy took these pictures through a spotting scope.
A Grizzly Bear with two cubs stand over the kill. According to bystanders, the wolf pack took down the Bison the day before, and the bear drove them off in the morning. We could see some of the wolves skulking around waiting.

Bison herd in the Hayden valley

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Wolf kill in Yellowstone? Gotta mention the ravens. They'll be there every time.