Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet Mishka

Meet Mishka! She is about six months old, and she was very pregnant when we brought her home. When we went to the pet store to pick out some new rats, we were originally looking for young babies (about 3-4 weeks old). But, the pet store only had newborns that were not yet weaned from their mother, so we were going to have to wait about 3 weeks until we could pick out our new pets. We were talking to the store owner about how we have always wanted to have newborn rats, but have never wanted to actually breed our rats. It doesn't seem right to breed rats, when there isn't a lack of rats in the world, and most rats end up as food for other animals. While we were talking about how we wanted to experience newborns, the store owner suggested that we could buy one of her rats that was already pregnant. After seeing how sweet she was, we decided to adopt her! We got her last Saturday, and she actually delivered her babies on Monday (we'll be posting more updates soon). But first, we wanted to post a few pictures of Mishka before she delivered her babies. By the way, Mishka means "little bear" in Russian.

Mishka on her nest

Her very pregnant belly.

Another picture of her belly. This angle shows off her white markings.

Hanging out on my shoulder.

Hiding in my hair.

1 comment:

joy said...

I weighted Mishka today, and she weighed 8 ounces. :)