Sunday, January 04, 2015

Backyard Cooper's Hawk

I was walking around the backyard in the afternoon when I saw a Cooper's Hawk swoop low towards our back spruce tree. As it got closer to the ground, it smoothly transitioned to running and ran under the tree, hopping up on a low branch. I assume it was trying to approach the brush pile unseen, the home of dozens of House Sparrows, but using my wood pile as a screen. It sat there for a while, and I eventually went inside. Soon, it flew up to my bird feeder and landed on the ground. Then it walked between the house and our lilac bush and laid down. I had not seen this behavior before. It didn't seem hurt. It was gone after dinner. It was by our drier vent, but I don't believe that the drier was running. Strange. I couldn't get a picture of it laying down, but I could barely see it through the window.

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