Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Algonquin Red Fox

As we were leaving the park on Monday, I spotted this red fox off to the north side of the road.

We stopped and he crossed the road in front of us, which was fortunate, because there was much better lighting on that side.

He didn't seem bothered by us near as much as he was by the ticks or fleas on his neck. I got some amusing pictures of him scratching, but they were very back lit.

Laney and I walked down the drive to Lake Opeongo in the evening while the rest of the group shopped. Didn't see any moose, but it was not time wasted.

The cotton grass heads seemed to float in the air above the bog.


Paul said...

very cool shots.

John | Fox Repellent Expert said...

Great shots of that fox! He doesn't seem bothered by you at all. The 'floating' cotton grass heads look very magical too. What a lovely way to spend an evening :)