Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Great Basin Wildlife

We visited the Cleve Creek lek again. Seven males and three females this time. We could act hear them this time. They kind of sounded like racquetballs bouncing.

This Say's Phoebe was sitting on the visitors center roof. He either had a nest up under the eaves, or was thinking about building one. This is an attractive western phoebe.

This Pronghorn was staring off into the sunset outside in the Snake Valley.

Whenever we go through the Connors Pass early in the morning or later in the evening, we usually see the elk herd. Not actually at the pass, but in the valley right near the pass.

This adult male Northern Harrier flew right along side of us while we were driving on US50. He was cruising at 20 mph, and still could stop on a dime to dive for prey.

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