Thursday, August 05, 2010

Some mammal pictures from our recent trip to Ontario

No bears, wolves, or porcupines on our Ontario trip, but we still got to enjoy ourselves. We visited Algonquin Provincial Park for a day and got to see beaver and a moose. There were beaver lodges all around Horn Lake (near the cabin), but at Algonquin we got to see a beaver up close attempting to fix his dam.

The sound of rushing water attracted the beaver. When he saw us nearby, he decided to wait for later. I am sad to say that someone else made the breach in the dam just to attract the beaver. Nothing permanently hurt, though.

Here a piney (red squirrel) tests a mushroom. He was not very shy, but he didn't seem to want anything from me, either.

The view from the nature center. I kept scanning the bogs and woods for moose. People were reporting them all over the park.

We found a 'small' moose along the road on the way back. He posed for a couple minutes before heading back into the woods.

More of a landscape view of the bog with the woods in the background.

Chipmunks remind me more and more of rats, and I appreciate them all the more for it.

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