Friday, July 02, 2010

Garden Flowers

Here are a few of the flowers blooming in our garden. Ah, the joy of the garden, before it all goes out the window in August into a profusion of rank growth and out-of-control weeds.Portulaca bloom, by our front door.

Another gaudy Portulaca flower. If only they would proliferate like the Portulaca oleracea (Purslane) throughout my garden.

Cosmos volunteer. I spotted several Cosmos seedlings early on in the spring and made sure not to weed them. I actually wasn't sure if they weren't marigolds at first, since they look fairly similar as seedlings.

Joy's Lobelias

Joy is always drawn to the Lobelias in the the garden centers. These are her flowers. I can't say I blame her.

Eggplant flower. It takes some doing to enjoy the flower of the eggplant, since they hang down. They are quite fantastic and strangely beautiful.

My neglected Balloon Flower. I have left this flower in the same pot on the back porch for eight years. It rewards me with some spectacular flowers. Now that my tomatoes are on the back porch, it is getting more attention. Maybe even a new pot will follow.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

If the same pot for eight years still yields these pleasing blossoms, why fix it now?