Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rat Weights

Scout is now up to 13.0 oz. This photo shows Scout being fairly well behaved. The normal Scout is clinging to the side of the cage, ready to jump on any passing person. He loves to go for a ride. His motto is "go, go, go!" He is the smallest, but he makes up for it in energy and attitude.

Boone has caught up with Aubrey in weight, at almost one pound (15.5 oz). He is a calm, sleek, happy rat. He is more active than Smoky, and plays with Scout a lot.

Smoky is 14.5 oz, but he looks about as fat as Boone. You can barely get your hand around Smoky's chest, but you can't touch thumb to forefinger around Boone's chest. Smoky is the most retiring of the boys. He plays hard when he does play, but he spends the most time relaxing of them all.

Aubrey has remained steady at 15.5 oz, which probably means that she is losing weight as her tumors grow. She is now an elderly lady.

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