Friday, May 13, 2011

Rose Guano Cave

Rose Guano Cave has been staring at me the whole time I have been working in Spring Valley. There is a dirt road heading up to it right off US50/6. I had to try and make a visit. The road is very rocky, steep, and narrow. Don't pass a turn off unless you feel very comfortable backing up on a very rock, steep, narrow road, because there is nowhere to turn around.

Just to the left of the cave is an arch. Quite attractive looking. Don't let the picture deceive you, it is very steep on loose rock up to the arch.

I did not go into the cave, just stood in the entrance to look inside. Guano was everywhere and the cave kept opening up bigger and deeper the further it went inside.

Brad enjoying the sun on the mountain side, watching me scrambling up to the cave.

White-throated Swifts were screaming around the entrance. It is weird to hear swifts make any noise other than twittering.

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