Thursday, May 12, 2011

Great Basin Birds part 2

Yellow Warbler
For being a fairly common warbler, I have had bad luck photographing these attractive guys. They were the first warbler I remember identifying as a kid. This guy paused for an instant to check me out from the willows along Pruess Lake, south of Garrison, UT.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Here is another common Indiana bird in an different setting. Their little buzzy calls mean spring to me.

Dark-eyed Junco
This Gray-headed Dark-eyed Junco was along the scenic drive up Mount Wheeler.

Loggerhead Shrike
It is a pleasure to get to regularly see shrikes around the valley. There are at least several pairs. This one is sitting with the Fortification Range in the background.

Sage Grouse
We visited the lek again, this time finding sixteen birds. There were at least 12 males displaying, and we counted 16 birds total when several of the groups flushed. The lek seemed to have spread a bit to the east, or maybe leks become more diffuse as the season goes along.

One of the groups flushing from the lek. They do not allow a close approach.

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