Thursday, October 21, 2010

Piper, our garden tree frog

About a month ago, I was watering our tomato plants, and I noticed something in the pipe by our back porch. I guess a little tree frog thought it would be a nice place to hang out. Since then, we often see our friend, whom we named Piper, relaxing in the pipe.

This picture was taken the first day I found him. Isn't he cute?

A few weeks later, he was sitting higher on the pipe. I couldn't resist taking more pictures.

Piper looking confident.

He started to slip back down while I was taking pictures. He wasn't too sure of me, and better to be safe than sorry.

One last picture before he slipped further down.


Kelly said...

Those are some fun photos. I have a soft spot for tree frogs.

judahmo said...

Did you ever see Piper again after he slipped down?