Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feathered Stalker

I was working by myself in a large forested wetland this week. I was at a data point absorbed in writing down information, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something run towards me along the ground. I could tell that whatever it was, it wasn't fleeing something else. It clearly was interested in me. It ran closer, and I could tell that it was small and brown. It was on a log that was under a lot of brush, including some roses. I got out my camera and waited for a better look.

Up popped a House Wren. Maybe he was just curious, but he sat on the rose bush only five or so feet away, eying me the whole time. Then he proceeded to fly all around me, landing on trees and twigs to get a better look. It is always special to get to see wild and free animals up close. After a minute, he must have decided that he had seen enough and flew off.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That's pretty fun. We'll soon have many of these running along the ground down here for the winter. I've always found wrens to have some of the biggest and most curious personalities for such small birds. Tried unsuccessfully for some rare herps this past week. The adventure was still worth the effort. Hope you and Joy are doing well!