Thursday, January 09, 2025

2024 Bird Feeder Summary

 I now have 12 years of data for my bird feeding station.  It is fun to have data to look at and play with.

All species that show up at my bird feeding station, which includes the crab apple tree that holds the feeders and the ground below are recorded.  The system isn't without flaws, as it is somewhat based on how much time I have to look out the window, but hopefully it averages out over time.

·        Average Species per Month

o   2024 had the third highest average species per month (18.17)

o   2024 was above average (16.65)

o   2022 still holds the record at 19.00

o   2023 is second place at 18.33

·        Month Analysis

o   January was a record (20), almost 2 standard deviations (2.1) higher than average (16.0)

o   February (17) was above average (16.0)

o   March (20) was above average (17.4)

o   April (24) was more than 1 standard deviation (3.8) higher than average (20.2)

o   May (17) was 1 standard deviation (4.1) lower than average (21.1)

o   June (14) was below average (14.9)

o   July (15) was above average (13.8)

o   August (14) was above average (13.2)

o   September (19) was almost 2 standard deviations (3.0) above average (13.1)

o   October (20) was above average (18.8)

o   November (20) was 1 standard deviation (2.0) above average (18.0)

o   December (18) was above average (16.8)

·        Comparing Monthly Totals

o   May has the most species recorded (49)

o   April has the second most species recorded (42)

o   October has the third most species recorded (39)

o   January and July are tied for the third least species recorded (26)

o   February has the second least species recorded (24)

o   June has the least species recorded (21)

·        Comparing Monthly Variability/Consistency

o   A rating of 1 means the same birds show up every month, a rating of 2 means that half of the observed birds for that month show up on average)

o   May is the most variable month (2.32)

o   September is the second most variable month (2.29)

o   August is the third most variable month (2.19)

o   January is the third most consistent month (1.63)

o   February is the second most consistent month (1.50)

o   June is the most consistent month (1.41)

·        2024 Trends

o   No first time birds were recorded during 2024

o   39 species were recorded for 2024, which is more than average (37.1)

o   The most species recorded in a year (45) was in 2023

·        Species Analysis

o   Song Sparrow has highest increase over the past 12 years (0.48 slope)

o   Eastern Bluebird has the second highest increase (0.39 slope)

o   White-breasted Nuthatch has the third highest increase (0.37 slope)

o   Carolina Wren has the fourth highest increase (0.36 slope)

o   Mourning Dove has the fourth highest decrease over the past 12 years (-0.10 slope)

o   Chipping Sparrow has the third highest decrease (-0.10 slope)

o   Common Grackle has the second highest decrease (-0.12 slope)

o   American Tree Sparrow has the highest decrease (-0.17 slope)

·        Total Frequency

o   House Sparrow (99.31%)

o   Northern Cardinal (99.31%)

o   Carolina Chickadee (98.62%)

o   House Finch (95.86%)

o   Downy Woodpecker (93.10%)

o   American Goldfinch (88.97%)

o   White-breasted Nuthatch (86.21%)

o   Tufted Titmouse (83.45%)

o   American Robin (77.24%)

o   European Starling (76.55%)

o   Song Sparrow (71.72%)

o   72 species have been recorded during at least one month

o   17 species have been recorded only during one month

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