Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge

I swung by the NWR on my way to Ely. The weather wasn't perfect, but it was still worthwhile visiting. The birds were very good, considering the scattered downpours, high winds, and occasional snow flurries. The refuge is a marsh at the base of the Ruby Mountains, and attracts large numbers of waterfowl.

Some of the fields were full of Long-billed Curlews. Nothing close enough to the road to photograph. I still have these guys on my 'wanted' list.

At first I thought it must be unusual to see a Yellow-rump in the marsh, but then I kept seeing dozens of them in the reeds. I love the colors on these Audubon's Warblers.

View out across the lake/marsh. There is an excellent auto tour trail that traverses a dike.

There were several Sandhills at the park. This guy was doing a courtship dance right near the road; he was singing, picking up sticks, and leaping into the air.

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