Sunday, November 07, 2010

Red River Gorge, Fall '10

This weekend was our annual fall hike and camping trip in the Red River Gorge. The weather was a little cool (it even snowed a little Saturday morning), but it is nice to get outside.Daniel and I looking are down at the rest of the group underneath an arch. We took the trail towards Eagles Nest. Unfortunately, the cave along the trail was closed to protect the bats from White-nose Syndrome. I am glad I have been through them in the past.

View from the middle of the Red River.

View from a ledge on the ascent to Eagles Nest. Andrew and Daniel make their way out onto a smaller ledge. The walkie-talkie fell out of Andrew's pocket on the way back. Very surprisingly, it survived the fall. We ate lunch here, because it was sunny and warm and out of the wind. It was fun to watch leaves falling up as the wind swept up over the ridge.

Daniel looking out from the top. Eagles Nest is the promontory on left side of the photo. The fall colors were past their peak, but there was still color for the oaks.

Sycamores lining the Red River near the trail head to Eagles Nest.

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