Monday, November 15, 2010

Boone (Oct 1, 2008 – Nov 8, 2010)

- The big brother of Scout and Smoky
- Treat Lover
- Cheerio Stasher
- Chubby bunny
- Silly Squeaker
- Precious Cuddler
- Pony tail Wrestler
- Funny Grunter
- Nap-time Snuggler
- Contented Waddler
- Dashingly Handsome
- Boldly Curious
- 2 lbs. of Love

Last week, we said good bye to our precious Boone. We knew Boone was getting older and weaker, but thought he might live a few more months, so his passing was sort of sudden and unexpected. Boone was one of the sweetest rats we have had so far. From the start, he was special to us. He was a slightly different shade of gray than all of the other rats. His nose was more rounded. He was warm, trusting, and friendly. He was less afraid and tamer than most baby rats. He was less athletic, but he knew he could get wherever he wanted with just a look at us. Boone would beg to be picked up and would flop into your hand. Boone fully committed to being pampered and loved.

We gave Boone food and Boone loved food, thus, he loved us wholeheartedly. In consequence, he also became quite round. He was our most vocal rat. He squeaked all the time and made sure to let you know if he didn’t like something. He even made himself squeak at times when he was grooming. He was a great brother for Scout, and he was Smoky's nap time buddy, but most of all, Boone was a people person. During free-time in the morning, he would find a spot and wait for Ben to walk by. Sometimes he would wait on the arm of the sofa or by the gate leading to the hallway. When he would see us, he would run over and stand up to be picked up. Rats are very expressive in how they move: a cautious rat creeps on tip-toe; a happy or playful rat bounces, very much like a bunny; and a contented rat has a kind of waddle. Boone was definitely a waddler.

Boone had a special place in his heart for Ben. He would run to see Ben and he would just want to sit on Ben’s lap or lean contently against his leg. If there was something of Ben’s in the room, Boone took an immediate interest in it. He loved to sit in Ben’s suitcase, duffel bag, or on his computer case when they were in the family room. When he wanted to relax, he would go sit with Ben. If he wanted to play or get a neck rub, he would go to Joy. He was one of our favorite rats, and we are thankful that we got to know him. He was sweet, gentle, trusting, eager, funny, and friendly. He had a huge personality, and he is greatly missed.


Kelly said...

I'm sorry to hear he died. I'm glad you got to enjoy the time you had him, since he was a joy to have.

judahmo said...

We're sorry to hear that Boone died.
Judah and Shannon