Friday, September 03, 2010

Smoky Bear (Sept 26, 2008 - Sept 2, 2010)

- The “middle” brother of Boone and Scout
- Mister Stealth
- Obedient but stubborn
- Bowl licker
- Sweet kisser
- Neck bitter
- Shadow lurker
- Introverted Loner
- A Mama’s boy
- Hamper napper
- Boone’s favorite cuddler
- Lover of neck scratches
- Ear puller
- Hammock Lover

Yesterday, we said goodbye to Smoky. He was in our lives for only a short time, but memories of him will last in our hearts for years to come. One of our favorite memories of Smoky is when we would give the rats a bowl after we had finished eating in it. Where ever Smoky was, he would rush over to the bowl to lick up the deliciousness of whatever was left. It didn’t matter if he was in one of the top hammocks in the big cage, he would make a diving leap from the hammock to reach the bowl as quickly as possible. He especially loved the leftover milk in our morning cereal bowls. Smoky was sort of shy and loved to hide in the shadows. He would often seem to appear out of nowhere and then just as quickly disappear again. We were always telling Smoky, “You are a bought rat. We bought you and you are our rat. You are not a wild rat.” He seemed to believe he was a wild rat needing to hide from plain sight. As he got older, he became more sociable and would let Joy hold him and scratch his neck and back for extended periods of time. He thought Joy was his person and would even give her kisses. He would also try to keep the other two rats from jumping up on her lap. He loved sleeping and hiding in the blanket hamper under their cage. If you couldn’t find Smoky, the hamper was the first place to look. It was precious to unfold the blanket and see him all comfy and snuggly. He was a great rat and he is already missed.

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