Ashley Hess (Sept 24, 2006 – October 14, 2008)
-A loving sister to Anna (deceased) and Aubrey.
-A people-rat. She loved being with people.
-Lover of treats! She would go crazy over any treat (even every day cheerios)!
-Sink drinker
-Timid explorer.
-Serious Sleeper
-Beautiful and photogenic.
-Super cute
-Content cuddler
-Soft Belly
-Obedient and Outgoing
-Sweet Kisser
-Lip Monster
-Tissue box remodeler
Yesterday, we said good bye to one of our sweetest rats. Ashley was the perfect rat. She was sweet from the start. Since she wasn’t as active or athletic in play, we assumed she was the submissive rat. We were wrong; she was always the head rat. She loved to explore and play, but would also be content just sitting and cuddling with you. From the beginning, she was interested in being with us. Forgetting that she was a rat, she decided that her humans were what interested her. To be held, to be carried around in your hand, to eat with you, to sit with you, to the very end, she wanted to be with you, to be held. She loved us and would always come running to you when we called her. When let loose in a room, she would not just go to the nooks and crannies, she would want to see what you were doing, she wanted to be with you. She was never panicked, never worried, never confused. She always seemed to know what was going on. She was always ready to meet a new person or even to grab a dog’s nose. She was always full of love and she always brought a smile to our faces. She preserved through her cancer and taught us to enjoy life every day, not matter what your circumstances may be. She will always be remembered for her sweet face, her loving personality and her joyful spirit. She was loved deeply and is missed even more.
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